Navigating the Railways of Regulation: CMA’s Decisions on the Hitachi-Thales Acquisition and What It Means for Aspiring Lawyers

Navigating the Railways of Regulation: CMA’s Decisions on the Hitachi-Thales Acquisition and What It Means for Aspiring Lawyers
Photo by Bruno Martins / Unsplash

In June, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) expressed concerns about Hitachi’s €1.7 billion proposed takeover of Thales’ Ground Transportation (GTS) business, specifically highlighting competition issues in digital mainline and urban signaling rail systems. However, a subsequent update suggests a reversal—at least partially—of this view. CMA now believes the acquisition is unlikely to decrease competition in the supply of Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling systems in the UK. Still, concerns about the supply of digital mainline signalling persist.

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